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pension secured.

Pension provision is essential in order to be financially secure in retirement. Insurance policies such as private pension insurance or occupational pension schemes offer a regular source of income after retirement.


Through regular contributions, capital is saved that serves as additional income in old age. Early planning and investment in old-age provision enables a worry-free future and the maintenance of the standard of living you are accustomed to in retirement.

flexible private pension

The flexible private pension offers customised options for retirement provision. Customers can organise their pension according to their needs by choosing variable deposits and investment strategies. With flexible payout options in retirement and tax advantages, it offers customised financial security for the future. Early planning enables long-term asset accumulation and ensures financial independence in old age.

basic private pension 

The basic pension, also known as the Rürup pension, is a tax-incentivised pension scheme for the self-employed and high earners. It offers long-term financial security in retirement through regular contribution payments and tax advantages. The flexible structure allows individual customisation to suit personal needs and circumstances. With the basic pension, customers can plan their pension provision for the long term and benefit from an additional source of income in retirement.

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