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  • Writer's pictureChristian Keller

Health Insurance for Expats in Germany: Is public coverage enough for you ?

Updated: Aug 5

Navigating the German insurance system can be complex, especially when it comes to health insurance. As an expat in Germany, understanding the differences between public and private health insurance is crucial for making an informed decision that suits your needs. This blog post will delve into the benefits and drawbacks of both options, helping you determine which type of health insurance is right for you.

Public Health Insurance (GKV)


Public health insurance, known as Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV), provides basic medical coverage for you and your family. This includes age depending routine check-ups, basic medical coverage and only covers standard hospital treatment with shared room service. However, the extent of this coverage is limited compared to private insurance.


  1. Cost-Effective: Monthly premiums for public insurance are income-based, making it more affordable for low-income earners.

  2. Family insurance: Public insurance ensures a coverage for all non-working family members or kids, which makes it interesting for bigger or single earning families

  3. Automatic Enrollment: If you are employed, your employer will automatically enroll you in a public health insurance plan.


  1. Limited Coverage: Public insurance covers only basic procedures and standard hospital service. So you can't expect any special treatments

  2. Waiting Times: Public patients may face longer waiting times for appointments and treatments due to the high number of insured individuals.

  3. Quality of Materials: Public insurance typically covers only the most basic materials which may not be aesthetically pleasing or long-lasting.

Private Health Insurance (PKV)


The Private health insurance, or Private Krankenversicherung (PKV), offers more comprehensive coverage based on your selected package. The contribution is not based on your personal income, which means you only have to earn more than 70.000€ (gross) per year to be allowed to switch from public to private. There are in general a lot of rumors or misconceptions about the private health insurance so if you already want more detailed information, make sure to reach out to get some mysteries solved.


  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Private insurance covers a wider range of treatments, including high-quality materials and private clinic coverage.

  2. Contribution stability: Since private insurance providers can individually decide which client is acceptable after the initial medical check, they can make sure to ensure stability for the insurance collective

  3. Choice of Providers: other than in public, where all providers are doing more or less the same, we can choose out of a large variety of private providers, to make sure to find the best deal for you

  4. No claim Bonus (NCB): You don't need private coverage because you rarely go to the doctor ? Even better! Most private health insurers reward a healthy lifestyle by giving you a cashback every year if you don't have any claims.


  1. medical pre check: To be allowed in a private Insurance you have to participate in a small medical pre check to define your initial contribution.

  2. Family usability: Private health in Germany is no cost savings model, so if you are the only earner of your family, you would have to insure all non_working family members with a separate package, which can result in a bigger financial commitment.

  3. Complexity: Navigating private insurance plans can be more complex, requiring careful comparison and understanding of different policy terms and conditions.

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Which One is Right for You?

Consider Your Needs:

  • Personal expectations: The private health insurance in Germany shouldn't be a way of trying to save money, if you want a more price stable, fair and customer focused health coverage, private might be for you.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: If you are not satisfied with the potential treatments of the public insurance and you want a wider and better medical coverage, with access to the best possible clinics in Germany or even Europe, private might be for you.

  • Cost of Treatments: Consider the potential out-of-pocket costs for treatments not covered by public insurance. Private insurance can mitigate these expenses by providing more extensive coverage.

Lifestyle and Preferences:

  • Convenience: If you prefer shorter waiting times and access to a wider network of providers, private insurance offers these advantages.

  • Quality of Care: Private insurance ensures access to higher quality materials and more advanced dental procedures, which can be important for those prioritizing their dental health.


For those who are not satisfied with the service of the public health insurance, it can be very useful to explore the world of private health coverage to get an overview of the benefits that await you.

If you want better treatment opportunities while being insured with a public health insurance, it can make sense to enroll in a supplementary health insurance for specific cases like: inpatient, outpatient or dental.

For the most tailored advice and best coverage options, consider consulting with a specialist like Christian Keller from insure-Germany. With expert guidance, you can ensure you have the right dental insurance to maintain good dental health and avoid unexpected costs.

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